From My Tuscan Window

Alpi Apuane: Apuanian Alps
Alto: Upper or high as in Gioviano Alto
Arriverderci : Goodbye for now
Auguri: Best Wishes

Babbo Natale: Father Christmas
Befana: Old woman who brings presents to children on Epiphany
Bella: Beautiful
Bottega: Store
Brutto: Bad or ugly as in Brutto Tempo (Bad Weather)
Buon Giorno: Good Day
Buona Notte: Good Night
Buona Sera: Good Afternoon or Evening

Camposanto: Cemetery
Cane: Dog
Cantina: Cellar or downstairs storeroom
Capanna: Cabin or hut
Cappuccino: Coffee mixed with hot foamy milk
Carrozzina: Golf cart, also baby buggy
Casa: House
Casetta: Little house
Castello: Castle
Centro Commerciale: Shopping center
Ci Vediamo: We will see each other again
Cinghiali: Wild pigs
Città: City

Fabbro: Smith
Farro: Spelt
Forestieri: Foregners, outsiders, people not born in a particular village

Gabinetto: Toilet
Gelateria: Ice cream shop

Loggia: Open gallery, arcaded balcony
Longobardi: The Lombards, Longobards, a tribe, etc.

Orrido: Canyon
Ortensia: Hydrangea
Orto: Garden

Palazzi: Palaces
Piano: Lower, as in Piano di Gioviano
Pozzo Nero: Cesspool

Rondini: Swallows

Scuola: School
Stemma: Crest, coat of arms

Tarli: Wood-eating worms
Teatro: Theatre
Tedeschi: Germans
Terrazza: Terrace
Terremoto: Earthquake
Updated December 22, 2009
Copyright 2005-2009 George H. Russell
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